Technology adequacy for a research reactor and cyclotron complex
The Bolivian Agency for Nuclear Energy (ABEN, for its acronym in Spanish) has requested to the multinational company ROSATOM the execution of the Engineering, Supply and Construction (EPC) project of the Research and Development in Nuclear Technology Center (CIDTN, for its acronym in Spanish), which includes:
- Nuclear Research Reactor.
- Multipurpose Irradiation Plant.
- Nuclear Technology Research Complex Applied to Medicine.
- Other auxiliary facilities.
In order to approach this project, in the first stages of negotiation of the EPC Contract of the CIDTN, ABEN contacted IDOM to provide Strategic Consultancy Services for the revision of the EPC contract for the implementation of CIDTN, which includes the following points:
- Strategic Consultancy Services for the definition of the design characteristics of the Nuclear Research Reactor, structural organization and staff resources and cost estimation based on the international experience and trends. Specialized technical consultancy.
- Verification of the building characteristics of the cyclotron radio pharmacy complex established in the EPC contract.
- Evaluation and assessment of the design characteristics of the Multipurpose Irradiation Plant (including experimental gamma and electron beam equipment).
- Assessment of the design of the nuclear infrastructure.
- Assessment of the laboratories design of each project components.
- Assessment of the implementation of the research laboratories proposed by the contractor.
- Evaluation and technical and financial assessment of each of the project components and other aspects of the EPC contract and its annexes.
- Validation of the English translation of the EPC contract and its annexes, so that there will exists an agreement with the adjustments made to the Spanish version.
- On-site support during the contract negotiation phase.
Agencia Boliviana de la Energía Nuclear - ABEN
Preliminary Study
Strategic Consultancy