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The longevity industry and diversification opportunities


The focus on the aging of the population and the goal of healthy ageing is not just a local trend resulting from our demographic situation, but can be observed in many parts of the world. The potential of the “silver market” was identified over a decade ago, and individual countries and the European Union have made this a priority.

In the Basque Country, business activity in this field (aging, silver economy, longevity, agetech) has become more evident in the last few years. At the SPRI, this growth have been evidenced in recent years in the applications submitted for R&D projects and in the support given to newly created companies or sectors.

The objective of the project that IDOM is carrying out is to prepare a study that will provide strategic information and a reference framework to support the so-called silver economy and/or longevity industry and to exploit the opportunities in this market from different economic sectors in the Basque Country. This includes the following tasks:

  • Drawing up a map of the companies and agents that are currently part of the Basque longevity industry, in order to have an overview and as a useful tool for different organizations (companies, clusters, institutions, technological partners, etc.).
  • Developing an analysis of the potential of the various economic sectors and companies for diversification into the field of ageing, with the aim of making the most of (or developing) measures to promote this diversification of R&D and innovation.

Health : Longevity industry

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