Vehicles Research Institute
The plot is located on the eastern edge of the technology park of Al-cañiz’s Motor City. It occupies a dominant position on a hill overlooking La Estanca area and the new Motorland Aragon racetrack.
Key part of the Motor City of Alcañiz
The needs programme required open spaces, meeting rooms and offices for educational and administrative purposes, which were to be connected with the main areas used for heavy and utilitarian vehicle research. This programme was complemented by a lecture hall, a caf-eteria and a dining room. In this way we turned to a typology conceived by three bodies that combined, generate a gathering area within the motor technology Park. This meeting place is set out as the Plaza and great Stage for the motor Technology Park and the research building itself, so that it allows for the coexistence of the whole array of scales and users of the centre.The roofs are free from any type of equipment or facility in order to be conceived as the fifth façade of the project. The flow paths within the construction favour the constant relationship between the motor-related practical and theoretical activities. Heavy-load vehicles and cars appear as a backdrop to all educational activities to be carried out. The lecture hall is located in a central position on the ground floor and it serves as the driving force and showcase of the technological developments of the vehicles institute.
Architecture : Corporate : Design
Key part of the Motor City of AlcañizCLIENT:
- 2011 -
Finalist - XXVI García Mercadal Award - Official College of Architects of Aragon
Architecture & Engineering Design
Works supervision
Antonio Lorén ( )
Raimundo Bambó