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Maritime traffic systems, Panama Canal


The inauguration of new locks will mean an increase in the traffic capacity of the canal, with the consequent increase in port operations; therefore, a comprehensive review of the processes of maritime traffic including the supporting systems and tools is needed.

IDOM has designed a strategic plan outlining the actions necessary to convert the Maritime Traffic Control Center into a world leader in the management of vessel traffic services.

As part of a process of transformation and continuous improvement, the Operations Department identified the need to comprehensively review the maritime traffic control processes and the systems and tools that support them, adapting them to achieve increased efficient management. What is proposed and required is not just a change of management system of the CCTM (Maritime Traffic Control Center) but a transformation that includes a real platform of processes, systems and support tools that make the provision of faster services possible, innovatively and with high quality standards, responding promptly and efficiently to business changes in order to obtain the greatest benefits for both customers, the firm and the country.

In the strategic plan and roadmap, developed by IDOM Consulting, the necessary actions are detailed, after an estimated period of 4 years and a cost of $16,435,000. This will result in the complete transformation of the CCTM into an international center of reference in the planning and management of maritime traffic services, reinforcing its leadership in the continuous management of the resources, means and infrastructures that affect the operations of vessels in canal waters, for the fulfillment of the programming. The level of service and satisfaction of the client will be increased, both the ACP and external customers, within the framework of existing safety and regulatory standards and following established environmental protection criteria.

The transformation of the CCTM will deal with both the continuous increase of the port operations of the Canal, as well as the exploitation challenges posed by the new infrastructures that are being developed (expansion of the number of locks) and those that can be generated in the future (new ports, …). The most relevant milestone of the road map is the commissioning of the new locks in 2014, which will allow (according to studies) the transit capacity of the Canal to be doubled.

This consultancy services developed by IDOM have been carried entirely by the staff of the firm, from Barcelona and Bilbao, generating the confidence of the client, who has, in turn, expressed the wish that IDOM continue to participate in the development of part of the projects defined in the Roadmap, as well as supporting the integral management of the same and the corresponding strategic plan.

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