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Vocational Study and Urban Site Plan for the International Airport of Mexico City


On the grounds of the existing Benito Juárez International Airport, Grupo Aeroportuario de la Ciudad de México has commissioned IDOM to create an Economic and Urban Hub with high quality and eco-sustainability standards. As a result of the proposed operation, 52,000 houses and 182 hectares of green space will be created where 172,000 people could live. This operation should generate up to 60,000 jobs.

Ensure an urban transformation which is inclusive with the existing city

The scale of the intervention at 780 hectares, reflects the importance of this project and its metropolitan impact. This is a unique opportunity to create an enclave of development in the eastern area of the city and thus, to create an urban corridor in the east-west zone, connecting the main poles of tertiary activities, amenities and metropolitan green spaces.

The challenge of the project is to ensure a transformation which is inclusive with the existing city, committed to social equity, creating jobs, and planned to be self sufficient and CO2 neutral.

On the lands surrounding the new airport, IDOM has proposed the creation of new spaces for strategic metropolitan and regional uses, linked to the new airport infrastructure and the potential of the land.

Overall, this is a unique, complex, worldclass project, which involves a large number of public authorities, and will define the future of the Valley of Mexico in the next 50 years, positioning this megalopolis in the leading group of Global Cities.

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Grupo Aeroportuario de la Ciudad de México S.A.

Business Model
Final Report
Financial Plan
Management Model
Scheme Design of Urban Impact
Spatial Implementation and Sizing
Stages plan
Study of Production Vocations and Market
Uses Plan and Needs Program

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