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The terrain, the air, the sun, present in the outdoor environment, offer possibilities often denied or forgotten in the design of the buildings. If we design to compensate the primary energy consumption with the production of renewable energy, we eventually achieve Zero Consumption.

In parallel, when the design is looking for zero consumption, taking advantage of the resources of the environment, it also increases air quality and comfort and decreases the necessary maintenance. Where there is pure air it is better to use it, natural light is preferable to artificial light and reducing the number of mechanical elements is almost always a good practice.




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Advances in sustainability. In Crete, IDOM presented the geothermal network district project for Madrid Nuevo Norte.

March 7, 2023

Advances in sustainability. In Crete, IDOM presented the geothermal network district project for Madrid Nuevo Norte.

On February 22 and 23, the First General Assembly of the PROBONO project was held in Crete, Greece. This innovative project, which aims to design...

Turning Madrid Nuevo Norte into a zero-consumption district

November 16, 2021

Turning Madrid Nuevo Norte into a zero-consumption district

Madrid Nuevo Norte is the largest urban regeneration plan in Europe, a pioneering project with unprecedented social and institutional support, which will reshape the north...

Introducing our District Heating and Cooling solutions at Rebuild

October 4, 2021

Introducing our District Heating and Cooling solutions at Rebuild

Last Thursday, September 23, IDOM participated in the National Congress of Advanced Architecture and Construction 4.0, REBUILD, which took place at IFEMA. Invited by the...