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We are conscious of the changing nature of the territories

The design, construction, exploitation and conservation of road networks sustains the integration of the territory, extending cultures and supporting the development of countries. IDOM develops comfortable, safe and operational roads. From the initial studies, we apply our knowledge and understanding of the territory to achieve the construction of a new reality, a territory transformed with a new road network that provides maximum coverage and connectivity.

Pascual García
+34 914 44 11 50


Abi Bakr Al-Siddiq urban highway in Riyadh


Portugal Steel Bridges Awards

The Bilbao South Metropolitan Bypass


Honorable Mention as Designer - Segovia Aqueduct Award, VI Edition - the Association of Civil Engineers


Public Works Magazine – Gudauri Tunnel (Spanish Version)

Public Works Magazine – Gudauri Tunnel (Spanish Version)

pdf   ESEN


Phase 3 of the New Central Highway, the largest infrastructure project in South America, begins!

November 18, 2024

Phase 3 of the New Central Highway, the largest infrastructure project in South America, begins!

The Peruvian Government, in collaboration with PMO Vías, has launched Phase 3 of the New Central Highway. This project includes 185 km of road, of which...

IDOM receives the “Award for excellence in project consulting” in Lima, Peru

August 28, 2024

IDOM receives the “Award for excellence in project consulting” in Lima, Peru

The Institute of Construction and Management (ICG) hosted the XXI International Road Infrastructure Congress on August 16th and 17th in Lima, Peru. During this prominent...

Introducing innovations in BIM methodology for tunnel engineering

June 3, 2024

Introducing innovations in BIM methodology for tunnel engineering

Last week, our colleague Alberto Alonso participated in the “BIM Methodology in Rock Engineering” event organized by the Spanish Society of Rock Mechanics at CEDEX....