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Developing public innovation policies is key to developing regions

Through public science, technology and innovation policies focused on sustainability, we support regions and countries in their transformation processes. We promote the creation of quality jobs and new business models, the design of new governance models that affect territorial cohesion and competitiveness, and the attraction of investment and talent.

We develop the full cycle of public policies, from design and implementation to strategic project execution, monitoring and evaluation, with extensive experience in Latin America and Europe.


Smart Specialization Mexico

The Innovation Strategies aim at defining the path for transformations of Mexican regions by means of technological research and innovation. IDOM has elaborated...

Smart Specialization Tunisia

In the framework of the Competitiveness Programme, technical assistance is provided to more than 200 companies to modernize the Tunisian industrial fabric through...

Guide for Strategic Cluster Plans

The guidelines for the preparation of Strategic Plans of the Basque Country Clusters are defined in order to standardize them and therefore, allow...