Territorial competitiveness
Through public science, technology and innovation policies focused on sustainability, we support regions and countries in their transformation processes. We promote the creation of quality jobs and new business models, the design of new governance models that affect territorial cohesion and competitiveness, and the attraction of investment and talent.
We have extensive experience in Latin America and Europe, where we develop the entire public policy cycle, from its design and implementation to the execution of strategic projects, monitoring and evaluation.
- Innovation and Smart Specialization Strategies (RIS3, S4): Design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Strategies following the methodologies of Smart Specialization for Sustainability (RIS3 - S4) of the European Commission, including broad participatory processes involving the quadruple helix of innovation (academia, public administration, business and civil society), definition of areas and niches of smart specialization, roadmaps and plans for science, technology and innovation, governance, KPIs and elements of monitoring and evaluation, from the perspective of the entrepreneurial discovery process (EDP).
- Planning of public policies for technological, scientific and industrial development: Analysis of regional capacities and gaps in technological, scientific and industrial development, elaboration of strategies to boost the R&D&I ecosystem, including roadmaps with project portfolios, governance, monitoring and evaluation elements.
- Sector analysis and studies: analysis of the level of competitiveness of knowledge sectors or economic sectors, including value chain, supply, demand, competition, map of key players, trends, and business opportunities and niches.
- Sectoral competitiveness strategies, value chains and cluster development initiatives: Strategic planning to maximize strengths and develop new capabilities and opportunities in a knowledge sector, economic sector or cluster in a given territory; value chain analysis to identify critical points, synergies and gaps, business development services (BDS) analysis and value chain foresight to improve the performance and competitiveness of each segment.