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Logistics and transport infrastructures are immersed in an evolution towards new business models, implementation of technological improvements and different consumption patterns, all within a framework of greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.

The current networks and nodes, in the different modes of transport, do not always respond to these new needs of the regions and sectors they serve.

IDOM has a large multidisciplinary team that covers the different services required for excellent planning and development of new projects, with extensive experience with both public clients: regional governments, ministries, multilateral institutions... and private clients: freight generators, logistics operators, real estate developers and financial institutions.

Javier Castaño López
+34 944797600


Services Logistics and transport infrastructure planning

IDOM has the capabilities and experience to provide support throughout the entire life cycle of investments, from planning and prioritisation to the development of feasibility studies and the commercialisation of new infrastructures such as multimodal logistics platforms, railway terminals, border crossings or special economic zones.

IDOM's main services in this field are :


Logistics chain design and transport planning


Support to public entities in the analysis of the supply chain and logistics corridors, both national and foreign trade, through an understanding of the local reality and the application of international best practices. Assessment of logistics performance and proposal of concrete actions to define a logistics and transport roadmap, including the design of logistics observatories.


Development of sustainable transport models


Development of plans to promote modal interchange and the use of new zero-emission fuels. Characterisation of the latest technologies, analysis of corridors and times, identification of the necessary charging infrastructure, among others. Analysis of incentives for the implementation of the required infrastructure.


Resilient agro-logistic chains


Identification of improvements, challenges and investments necessary for the development of efficient agro-logistic chains, through the application of best practices in the sector adapted to the local and regional reality. Analysis from the first mile and production areas to commercialisation in supply markets or consolidation centres for product export.


Design of terminals and logistics nodes


Through IDOM's multidisciplinary team, accompaniment in the different pre- and feasibility stages of new logistics platforms and terminals: demand estimates, programme of needs, macro and micro-localisation and connections with main transport networks, design and infographics for commercialisation, as well as business models and commercialisation plans.


Special Economic Zones


Value proposition analysis of Special Economic Zones for the identification of new sectors and uses to be developed, as well as the definition of the infrastructure to meet their requirements. Proposals for regulatory adjustments according to local regulations. Support in the definition of the governance and operation model, as well as accompaniment in the promotion and implementation.


Border crossing


Carrying out studies to improve processes and equipment necessary at border crossings, using the latest technologies. Support in the design of infrastructures, feasibility studies and implementation of investments.

